Chapter Elections

Chapter By-Laws Article V


Section 1.  Nominating Committee.  The Chapter President shall appoint a Nominating Committee in January, who will work under the Chairmanship of the Immediate Past President of the Chapter.  The President and Chaplain are ex-officio members of this committee.

Section 2.  Report of the Nominating Committee.  The Nominating Committee shall render its report at the meeting in March.  Not less than three (3) weeks prior to this meeting, all member councils shall be notified that nominations of officers for the coming Columbian Year will be in order.  After this report, other nominations by a Chapter Delegate may be made from the floor.  Nominations shall be made and closed in the accustomed manner.

Section 3.  Election of Chapter Officers.  The annual election of officers shall take place on a date and time determined by the current Chapter Officers.  Each officer shall serve a one year term coinciding with the Columbian Year from July 1 to June 30, or until replaced by his successor.  The State Deputy or his representative shall install each newly elected officer.

2024 Chapter Officer Election will be April 25
CLICK HERE for Chapter Officer Duties

2024 Nominating Committee-Rene Sepulveda Chair, Steve Bolton and Ronn Knowles-also Chapter President and Chapter Chaplain.

The committee has spoken to each of the brothers wishing to run for chapter office.
Here is the slate of candidates from the Nominations Committee.

President-  Jeff Rice – Council 4922
Vice President – Louis Gardner Council 3772
Secretary –  Patrick Murach – Council
Treasurer – Ralph Ruiz – Council 4581

Other nominations may be made from the floor by a Chapter Delegate and nominations may not be closed until the election meeting has convened and the members are ready to ballot.  Nominations do NOT require a second.  A person nominated MUST be present and consent to run or if can not be present, have submitted in writing/email his desire to run. Contact Glen Howard, Steve Bolton or  Ronn Knowles  if you wish to run.

Nominators will have 3 minutes to speak and the candidate will have 3 minutes to speak.

The results of the election will be presented to the chapter president by the chair of the nominating committee.  The election of officers shall be by ballot and a majority of all votes cast shall be necessary to elect. Only Chapter Delegates may vote.  When only one candidate is proposed for a particular office and no further nominations have been made from the floor, the presiding chair shall declare the individual elected by acclamation.

If more than one candidate for the office, the Election Chair shall appoint two District Deputies to act as Tellers.  After all who are Chapter Delegates have voted, the ballot shall be declared closed and the Tellers shall then proceed to count the votes.  The Nominating Committee Chair will announce the results of the ballot.

Guidelines For Local Elections from Supreme Advocate

These guidelines in this entry only apply to local council elections and in general apply to chapters.

Section 126 of the Laws of the Knights of Columbus establishes the offices for local councils.

Section 128 of the Laws requires local councils to hold annual elections for council officers.

Elections are to be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.

Section 162 of the Laws of the Knights of Columbus establishes certain categories of misconduct that may expose a member to disciplinary action.  Section 162(23), set forth below, provides a general rule for the conduct of candidates for council offices.

General Principle:  A candidate for local council office in the Knights of Columbus is expected to conduct himself as a Catholic gentleman.  While he may promote his candidacy by highlighting his own qualifications, he may not comment negatively about any opponent.  A candidate is responsible for any third parties acting on his behalf.  All elections must be conducted in a manner that is consistent with the principles of charity, unity, and fraternity.

A candidate for local council office may:

  1. Receive a nominating speech from another member of the council in which the nominating member sets forth the character and qualifications of the candidate; and
  2. Make a brief statement accepting the nomination, in which he states his own qualifications.


A candidate for local council office may not:

  1. Use, accept, or receive council funds to support his candidacy in any manner whatsoever;
  2. Distribute campaign buttons, t-shirts, pins, hats, bumper stickers, or any other souvenirs or promotional items;
  3. Send mailings or e-mails, or use social media to support his candidacy;
  4. Arrange or participate in debates with other candidates or their supporters;
  5. Campaign or have promotional items in the chambers of any business meeting, or within close proximity to the entrance of any business meeting;
  6. Campaign or have promotional items at or outside any religious ceremony;
  7. Disseminate any type of derogatory information concerning another candidate; or
  8. Hold a fund-raising event to finance his candidacy.

If a candidate or member knowingly and willfully violates these guidelines, he may be subject to disciplinary action.

Rev. April 2014